Eliminating the myths about mental health

 In any given year, 1 in 5 adults in the United States struggles with mental health disorders. This is equivalent to 43.8 million people or 18.5 percent of the total population. However, millions of people are unjustified, discriminated against, and isolated by their family, friends, and even employers due to the myth surrounding mental health. This can make it difficult to recover from a mental illness. Therefore, it is important to dispel such myths and provide support to people who are struggling with mental health disorders because early diagnosis and intervention can help a person recover completely and lead a normal life.

Read on to find out if there are any myths about mental health that are mythical.

Myth - Mental illness is rare.

Fact - Mental health conditions are more common than most people think. 1 in 5 people are experiencing this, 1 in 25 people affected have a serious mental disorder that interferes with life's activities in any given year. It can affect anyone regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, and/or income level.

Myth - Mental breakdown is the result of poor parenting.

Fact - Mental illness is not the result of poor parenting practices. It is a common disease that affects 1 in 5 adolescents and young adults. Mental health is affected by genetics, environmental factors, trauma, and more.

Myth - People pretend to be mentally ill.

Fact - No one chooses to suffer from physical ailments. Similarly, no one chooses to suffer from such a disease. The reasons behind this are explained and are correct. Sometimes, the symptoms may not show up, but that doesn't mean the person's condition isn't real.

Myth - Mental health problems are the result of personal weakness.

Fact - Like other major physical illnesses, mental health is not the result of a person's character or personal weakness. It is caused by genetic factors, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. Stressful marriages, working conditions, or stressful relationships can make some people more vulnerable to this. Biochemical processes, faulty circuits, and brain structures can also contribute. Prolonged use of alcohol or drugs can also lead to the development of mental illness.

Myth - You're sad, not sad.

Fact - Depression is not something that can be easily overcome. People often ask sad people to comfort or leave. However, it's not just the blues that can be eliminated. It is a serious mental health disorder that requires medication and therapy for proper treatment.

Myth - Medicine will help, you don't need therapy.

Fact - People with mental illness have different treatment needs. Their treatment may not fit one size fits all. Treatment plans for mental disorders should be tailored to the individual's needs and medical history. People generally benefit from a combination of medicine, therapy, and self-care. One should talk to a mental health counselor to find out about one's options.



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